
real time operating system中文是什么意思

  • 实时操椎统
  • 实时操作系统



  • 例句与用法
  • So we develope a real time operating system " rtos - 1750 " which adapte to 1750a cpu , meet the requirement of dcmp ofp
    因而我们开发了一个适用于1750acpu ,满足dcmpofp需要的嵌入式实时操作系统“ rtos - 1750 ” 。
  • In this system , meanwhile the real time operating system ( rtos ) is introduced to handle abruptly changes of frequency of the magnetron
  • Upon the nios processor , the software is written in c language , and includes real time operating system c / os ii
    运行于nios处理器之上的应用软件采用c语言编写,并引入嵌入式实时操作系统c / osii ,以使其能够实时响应各种操作指令。
  • Further , the paper introduces real time operating system uc / os - ii to the microcontroller to improve eni real time performance
    在实现仪器功能的基础上, microcontroller的软件设计引入了实时操作系统uc / os - ,提高了microcontroller的实时性。
  • Furthermore , applying embedded real time operating system to the design of onc is innovative and can prompt the development of onc
  • This course focuses on the fundamentals of embedded systems including system architecture , hardware and software design , and the concept of real time operating system
  • The system is highly integrated , portable , intelligent and robust . real time operating system ( rtos ) is a vital technology in embedded system
  • Pems is a parallel - embedded operating system , which is designed for the satellite - carried parallel computer system . the design of pems refers to the real time operating system rtems
  • It contains 2m bytes flash and 16m bytes sdram . it run the embedded real time operating system - vxworks , which is developed by wind river system company
    新型嵌入式通讯平台以mpc860t为核心,系统资源包括2m字节的flash和16m字节的sdram ,提供操作系统以及应用程序的运行空间。
  • This course contains the following subjects : 1 introduction of embedded systems ; 2 programming concepts ; 3 introduction of real time operating systems ; 4 case studies of programming with an rtos
    本课程的主题包括: 1 )嵌入式系统简介; 2 )嵌入式系统程式设计概念; 3 )即时作业系统简介; 4 )应用rtos的案例研究。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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real time operating system的中文翻译,real time operating system是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译real time operating system,real time operating system的中文意思,real time operating system的中文real time operating system in Chinesereal time operating system的中文real time operating system怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
